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​王秋芳 Wendy Wang


Resident in China, Wendy Wang is the firm's China Representative responsible for managing the firm's affairs involving the Greater China Region.

A qualified Chinese lawyer, Wendy Wang was previously engaged by the Xiamen Free Trade Zone as an International Legal Expert. In that role, she created the Maritime Silk Road International Legal Business Integration Service Base that is now the crown jewel of the Maritime Silk Road Central Legal District in Xiamen FTZ.  


A prolific mooter and graduate of the Shanghai University of Political Science and Law (SHUPL) where she was among the pioneer batch of the International Dispute Resolution speciality, she is presently an adjunct instructor at SHUPL, and a Visiting Professor at the School of Political Science and Law at Shangrao Normal University.  After graduation, Wendy was awarded a scholarship to study international law at the prestigious Hague Academy of International Law and volunteered as a teacher in Morocco.


Wendy has a deep passion for One Belt One Road (BRI) cross-border investments, with a keen focus on corporate deals, mergers and acquisitions involving China and South-East Asia enterprises. She is Deputy Director of the Legal Affairs Committee of the Shangrao Overseas Chinese Federation in Jiangxi province.


王秋芳是一名合格的中国执业律师,本科毕业于上海政法学院,在校期间获得全额奖学金出国交流深造,并在毕业后前往海牙国际法学院中心学习国际法及自愿前往摩洛哥担任教师。曾受聘于厦门自贸区管理委员会担任国际法务专才一职。 在此期间,她主导策划了海丝国际法商融合服务基地,该基地现已成为福建省重点平台,作为企业“走出去、引进来”的一个重要桥梁,基地提供金融、财税、保险、法律、人力外服等专业服务集群,打造以法促商、商法融合的一站式服务优选地。


王秋芳目前是上海政法大学兼职导师和上饶师范学院法商学院客座教授。她对“一带一路”跨境投资充满热情,特别关注涉及中国和东南亚企业的交易和并购, 现任江西省上饶市侨联法顾委副主任,有意为中国企业走出去进行海外投资、项目落地等提供系统性、综合性的解决服务方案。

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